You may know about the benefits of staying hydrated and getting all your vitamins (which IV therapy is one of the best ways to do), but you may not know just how many hidden benefits there are.

1.  Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is caused by the body not having enough time to adjust to the reduced oxygen and changes in air pressure. As a result, you can get a headache, feel fatigued and exhausted, and even vomit. Even when you’re finished flying, the descent from higher altitude to ground level can have the same effect. 

IV therapy can relieve these symptoms by hydrating your body and giving it vital nutrients that can help alleviate the problem. IV therapy includes anti-inflammatories and promotes muscle repair after the grueling effects of air travel. Many people report that their symptoms disappear within 30 minutes.

2. Complete Bioavailability

What does “complete bioavailability” mean? Bioavailability is the fraction of an administered dose of a drug/chemical that reaches the bloodstream and your organs, as well as how quickly the effects are felt. 

Eating and drinking is obviously the easiest way to hydrate and nourish your body, but it can actually take up to 36 hours to fully rehydrate if you are dehydrated, and even the most nutritious vegetables lose effectiveness from the process of going from farm to table. (Why do you think Popeye eats his spinach raw!) IV therapy gives your body a direct boost of nutrients, without anything lost from the food preparation or digestive process.

3. Immediate Energy/alertness Boost

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in fueling your brain. Your body needs a lot of water and energy in order to function at a high level. Improper nutrition can lead to “brain fog,” and feeling tired without understanding why. 

When you hydrate and fuel your body and brain with IV therapy, many people are surprised to find how quickly the brain fog lifts. You can often feel alert within 30 minutes. The effects last, on average, 2 weeks.

4. Recovery after surgery

A person in poor health has a greater risk of surgical complications. What’s more, the standard American diet (sometimes called SAD) doesn’t give your body all the nutrients it needs to recover well. You can get by if you’re just sitting on the couch, but a medical procedure, even a “minor” one, will push your body to its limits.

The ingredients found in IV therapy will help your body recover from surgery. Prepare for surgery a few days before by getting an IV drip.

5. Help with nutrient deficiencies

The Standard American Diet is sadly not ideal for a healthy body. Many people are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals and don’t realize it. Also, many people have sensitivities or allergies to certain foods that can make it difficult to get proper nutrients.

IV therapy delivers nutrients directly to your body. IV therapy can give your body vitamins and minerals that your regular diet has been lacking. You will feel like you have more energy than before just from having proper nutrition.

Now that you know these benefits of IV therapy, you don’t be surprised. But you will be surprised at how good you feel and how quickly you feel the effects.